Resurgent (ri-sur'jent) adj.  1.  Rising or tending to rise again.  2.  Sweeping or surging back again.  --re-sur'gence,  n.

About the Black Resurgents


The Black Resurgents represent a living history that emerged out of the inner city streets of East Oakland and touched the world. The group was formed during a time of tremendous political, social and cultural upheaval. Social justice and anti-war protests, white flight, urban renewal, the Black Power movement and the emergence of funk music were all happening simultaneously. Inspired by James Brown, African-American youth in Oakland created the boogaloo dance form as a way of self-expression and empowerment.

In the 1970s, The Black Resurgents became an unofficial dance group for the Black Panthers, frequently dancing at rallies and events. The group were early pioneers of a competitive and exciting Black youth subculture which electrified parks, schools, rec centers, and talent shows across Oakland throughout the decade -- paving the way for what we now call hip-hop dance.